Scryppi2017-04-18 18:08:16
Scryppi, 2017-04-18 18:08:16

How to do a search in Laravel 5.4?

I googled for a long time and searched in the documentation, I didn’t find how to make the simplest search on my site, which takes values ​​from the form and goes through the database without connecting any extra libraries. The most default search.
Please feel free to share links or search methods.

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Melikhov, 2017-04-18

If you have mysql as your database, search with LIKE. If postgres, then it has full text search out of the box. Alternatively, you can connect sphinx or elasticsearch.

DeadMemories, 2017-04-18

Switching to WordPress?
Are you seriously subscribing to this question?
Okay, the simplest one:
Route::post('/search', '[email protected]'); // can be get
In the method News::where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->query . '%')->get();
Delov then.
Don't believe that like is bad.
Ps: you are bots, right?)

Stanislav Pochepko, 2017-04-18

I think you first need to read about the basics of website building.
PS https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/queries#where-clauses

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