FilosofMagadan2019-02-25 14:14:30
FilosofMagadan, 2019-02-25 14:14:30

How to do a date check when running a pdf file?

There is a document form that is filled out often and mistakes are made in it, all this is done on a computer. The form has fields with last names on which it depends whether the date is put in another column or not. So the essence of the question is how to make it so that when the file is launched, if the fields with dates are filled in, they are checked for validity and the current date is set if it is not correct.5c73cdba58903092732845.png5c73ce0ad38c6084334609.png

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1 answer(s)
hzzzzl, 2019-02-25

here I found a tricky confusing regexp
you just need to bring new Date () to the desired format, but this is not particularly difficult

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