Alex Goncharov2016-05-19 13:08:13
Alex Goncharov, 2016-05-19 13:08:13

How to distribute shares between us and the investor?

Good afternoon, colleagues!
At the moment, my friend and partner and I are at the stage of starting a new business. Through trial and error, we finally found a great niche that seriously needs a certain product. The need was identified empirically with the help of a long immersion in the environment, collecting feedback and analyzing indicators.
There are already products of our type in this niche, but they are available to certain closed groups. These products were originally created for these groups. Simply put, they help you make more money in less time.
There is a wide layer of the audience that is in dire need of solving problems related to the specifics of this type of business. We absolutely know how to solve these problems optimally and efficiently.
There are several active players in this market. Their solutions were carefully studied by us, user feedback was collected and it was concluded that these platforms do not meet the needs of people, do not solve problems to the extent that we can solve them.
We know how to solve them more effectively and efficiently. In addition, we see our platform in a completely new format for this market. This format is optimal both in terms of convenience for the end user and the profitability of the project.
At this stage, we already have the first version of the prototype, a hot audience that is ready to pay for this product, and an investor who can and wants to invest in this business.
We had a question about how to distribute the shares between us and the investor.
How is it useful for us besides being ready to invest in development?
He has influence over a certain group of people who are our direct customers. It can immediately start the process of business monetization, reducing the time to launch. In this case, we work 50/50%. He brings his people, we give a product that helps to earn more. People pay for the product. We split the profit in half. He is like the owner of this group. We, as people, solve it and their problems. He, as an investor, earns both on the platform and on his group, since they want this product and use it with pleasure / pay for it.
If in numbers, then about 3,000 people from his group are willing to pay a subscription fee for using the platform, an average of $20 per month each.
Also, this person has a good influence among other similar structures with even more people.
Question number 1: This particular investor can make a significant contribution to the monetization of the project by launching sales in the first months of work. He has a large audience that is willing to pay. The investor is ready to show our product to other interested groups of people.
What percentage can be given to a partner who is additionally involved in attracting large cash groups to our business?
Question #2:What percentage do you think can be given to a person if now he acts as an investor and makes a big contribution (customers, funds) to starting a business at its very start? At the moment, the investor was offered 10% of the total profit of the company. This percentage seems too small to him. Are we thirsty?

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4 answer(s)
Mikhail Lyalin, 2016-05-19

IMHO, профессиональный юрист и грамотный договор
м.б., имеет смысл попробовать вообще обойтись без инвестора

kazmiruk, 2016-05-19

Судя по тому, что Вы описали - Вы жадничаете. Я бы просчитал так - взял бы период самоокупаемости (ну или период, за который Вы выйдете на желаемый уровень. У Вас ведь есть что-то типа бизнес-плана?). Просчитал прибыль за этот период, если Вы будете делать все без инвестора и с ним. Отношение этих цифр и даст долю вклада. Если доля вклада инвестора слишком высока, то есть подозрение, что продукт нафиг никому не нужен и надо цепляться за инвестора. Если мала - есть цифры на которых обосновать инвестору такую долю. Все это, конечно, ИМХО.

Пума Тайланд, 2016-05-19

ну смотря сколько он вкладывает
он же покупает по сути часть компании, вы не правильно рассматриваете вопрос
по сути должно быть похренсколько вы зарабатываете , инвесторы не для этого вкладываются
то есть инвестор вкладывается покупая часть компании, чтобы потом ее с выгодой продать.
То есть купил за миллион, продал за сто миллионов.

Дмитрий Земсков, 2016-08-27

Жадины! Хотя хз что у вас там в цифрах, может быть доля его денег и влияния столь ничтожна что вы её так оцениваете...
Инвестор не просто так рассчитывает на гешефт, он по сути покупает риск того что вы обделаетесь, и его доля будет долей в куче вашего дерьма.
Проделанная вами работа безусловно стоит денег, вы инвестировали в проект своё время и возможности, и если инвестор кроме денег, вкладывает своё время и возможности, то и отнестись к нему стоит соответственно...
...и оценивать этот вклад как работу наёмника было-бы не этично

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