lovesuper2014-07-23 15:52:22
lovesuper, 2014-07-23 15:52:22

How to display spaces in VIM (ALL spaces, not just trailing)?

set list
set listchars=eol:↲,tab:→→,trail:•,nbsp:↔

here's the part of the .vimrc I'm using.. everything I listed works, but what key do I need to run to show all spaces in the file at all?

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4 answer(s)
lovesuper, 2015-12-29

All you need is:

set listchars=eol:¬,tab:> ,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<,space:•
set list

(in .vimrc)

EXL, 2014-07-23

I also faced the same problem, and did not find a sane solution. I'm very used to how Qt Creator renders spaces and tabs.
So you can immediately find problems with code formatting.
Subscribe to the question, if you find a solution outside of this resource, please let me know (contacts in the profile).

Sergey Krasnodemsky, 2014-07-24

listchars does not work with spaces
, but there is a way out :) you can convert spaces to tabs

:set noexpandtab
:set listchars=tab:.\ ,extends:>,precedes:<,trail:.,nbsp:.

it’s not clear why I can’t attach the screenshot - but @EXL
once used the plugin , maybe it will suit you

Alex, 2014-12-08

You can usematchadd()

:highligh Spaces ctermbg=Yellow guibg=Yellow
:call matchadd('Spaces', '\s\+')

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