IvanRyz2020-03-25 11:11:31
IvanRyz, 2020-03-25 11:11:31

How to display resources through pdoResources by TV field (multiple choice)?

Please help me with the following problem.
I am unable to display resources through pdoResources by TV field (multiple choice)

Created a TV field multiple choice club_id Specified multiple choice
in the input parameters, and the following query in the possible values:

@SELECT `pagetitle` AS `name`,`id` FROM `site_content` WHERE `parent`=10 AND `published` = 1 AND `deleted` = 0

Separate the output parameters with ","

Next, in the template chunk, I output the resources with the following construction:
{'!pdoResources' | snippet : [
                      'tpl' => 'tpl.disciplineAnons',
                      'parents' => '0',
                      'limit' => 6,
                      'resources' => 'club_id',
                      'sortby' => '{"menuindex":"ASC"}',
                      'includeTVs' => 'imgAnons,menutitle,description',
                      'tvPrefix' => '',
                      'includeContent' => 1,
                      'showLog' => 0,

But pdoResources gives me all the resources instead of the resources that have the club_id field filled in.

Please help me figure out what the problem is.
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
IvanRyz, 2020-03-25

Solved the issue by writing a snippet

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