Denis Bukreev2018-11-14 03:08:19
Denis Bukreev, 2018-11-14 03:08:19

How to disable vim when using git?

I work with git in the macOS terminal
And there, once every other time after a pull or push, this crazy editor pops up, from which I can’t exit in any way, except for closing the terminal window (neither control + z, nor: q, nor exit - nothing helps from the known me ways).
But the bottom line is that I have never even used and am not going to use this editor.
But now he completely pissed me off at a very difficult moment
. How can I demolish it so that there is no trace left in the system?

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2 answer(s)
xtress, 2018-11-14

Replace default text editor for console.
First link from google, first answer should help:

brar, 2018-11-14

ZQ - exit without saving changes
ZZ - exit with saving changes.

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