vlzemtsov2017-12-07 10:27:49
vlzemtsov, 2017-12-07 10:27:49

How to disable ssh root access for one interface?

Good afternoon.
There is a CentOs (7.2 minimal) server.
It has 2 interfaces. (eth0 and eth1)
It is necessary to make sure that anyone can log in to eth0, without restrictions, and the root user is prohibited on eth1.
I'm thinking about the /etc/ssh/sshd_config config, in which you can specify:
PermitRootLogin no
But then root access will be denied on both interfaces.

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6 answer(s)
Alexander, 2019-09-24

Curly braces in JS are the Object data type , the desired values ​​in the keys means we take Object.keys(input)and list all the elements. Next, we split the text into substrings through split and go through the array, assigning values.

Anton Anton, 2019-09-24

Object.keys () will help

CityCat4, 2017-12-07

Root cannot be walked. Dot.
For work outside of homework, there is su / sudo.

Vladimir Kuts, 2017-12-07

Set up two sshd instances with different interface settings and different ListenAddress options depending on your interface.

Ingvar, 2017-12-07

Search in English. )
Simple solution, even two via sshd_config and via iptables link

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