titronium2014-06-09 10:17:55
titronium, 2014-06-09 10:17:55

How to determine who is parsing my site?

Briefly. According to the graphs, I see that the outgoing traffic on the site has become very large. At the same time, Google Analytics shows the same traffic that goes. It looks like someone is scraping my site. MySQL keeps crashing. I could write a script now, calculate the IP address, but I'm too lazy. Are there any utilities/programs to discover the IP of who is doing this?

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2 answer(s)
Mikhail Alekseev, 2014-06-09

Here you can find an example https://rtcamp.com/tutorials/nginx/log-parsing/

Jock Tanner, 2014-06-19

It is better to configure MySQL so that it does not fall. And make a light version of the site for text browsers and robots.

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