viktorulyushev2018-03-16 08:53:31
viktorulyushev, 2018-03-16 08:53:31

How to determine that I'm on the main page?

I need to determine that I'm on the main page, and only display a certain class for it. I'm trying to do this

<main class="stretch-middle site-body @(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Contains("/") ? "" : "container")">

But it doesn't work, it's always true. How can I determine that there is nothing after the slash?

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4 answer(s)
viktorulyushev, 2018-03-16


<main class="stretch-middle site-body @(Request.RawUrl == "/" ? "" : "container") ">

cicatrix, 2018-03-16

Place the script on the main page (cshtml) (example with JQuery):

$( document ).ready(function() {

Alexander Yudakov, 2018-03-16

AbsoluteUri is "http://example.com/path?query#hash"
Of course, any absolute address will be Contains("/").

mindgrow, 2018-03-16

viktorulyushev , you must specify the main page in the App_Start/RouteConfig.cs file and, based on this, place the desired block on the corresponding View.
If you bind to what is contained in Url and define any conditions in _layoute, then remember that you can go to the main page not through a slash, but for example like this "home/index", and your script will not work.

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