nickostyle2016-01-26 15:59:38
Mobile development
nickostyle, 2016-01-26 15:59:38

How to design for ios and android at the same time?

It is necessary to develop a design for an application that will be developed for both ios and android. Each system has its own guidelines, this is understandable. But, let's say, while developing a design for ios, I placed a custom search icon there. When developing for android, do I need / can I use the same custom icon or is it better to take a similar icon from the android material icons set? It seems to be better as the second option, because. the icon is already in the system ... In general, I doubt it a little. How to create a design for two platforms at once? Which one to start with?

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3 answer(s)
Neron, 2016-01-27
Lordov @Nekto_Habr

Difficult topic. It is not clear in the question whether one design is being developed for all platforms, or whether a design is developed for each platform according to the corresponding guide. In the second case, everything is simple - follow the guides, we get different designs. In the first case, you have to look for a compromise.
I am currently working on such a project. The key to success is the most simplified interface with the most primitive navigation and step-by-step deepening into any functionality - so that you do not have to place many buttons on one single screen (that is, so that there are fewer contradictions to the platform design by reducing the number of interface elements).
Also, I think that it will work to design a cross-platform application as if you were doing an adaptive web design. The web is universal, understandable to everyone and does not depend on the platform.

Jacob E, 2016-01-26

Cross-Platform Mobile App: Navigation
Pure Android: Common iOS Porting Mistakes

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