amirov662022-02-20 19:09:12
amirov66, 2022-02-20 19:09:12

How to deploy a telegram bot on Heroku?

I wrote a telegram bot with the pyTelegramBotAPI library, and decided to deploy it to Heroku using git, entered all the commands in the root directory of the bot

git init

git add .

git commit -m "First release"

heroku create nakrutkasub

git remote -v

Up to this point, everything went fine, but with the command:
git push heroku master
cmd freezes for a few minutes, and gives this:
fatal: unable to access ' https://git.heroku.com/nakrutkasub.git/ ': Failed to connect to git.heroku.com port 443 after 262510 ms: Timed out

Tried to create anew, reinstalled heroku, but the result is the same.

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1 answer(s)
Rag'n' Code Man, 2022-02-21

Use a more convenient alternative: go to your application page, Deployselect GitHub in the section, find your repository in the list, and you can also set autodeploy when pushing to the master.

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