Vladimir2019-04-25 06:20:37
Vladimir, 2019-04-25 06:20:37

How to deny access to a server or its room to a specific socket.io client?

I caught socket.id, but it is always different, it can only be used to prohibit a one-time entry, but how to prohibit entry forever?

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir, 2019-04-25

Here is the answer, here we get the ip on the client and pass it to the server:

$.getJSON('https://api.ipify.org?format=json', function(data){ 

On the server we accept and filter:
socket.on('banned', function(data) {
   		var ban = 'user.ip';
   		if(data == ban) {
   			io.emit('ban', 'Вы забанены!');

Alexander, 2019-04-25

First you need to understand - how to determine the client that he is the one who should be banned. And only then at the moment of definition and prohibit.

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