Kirill Dlussky2011-03-18 22:29:33
Kirill Dlussky, 2011-03-18 22:29:33

How to deal with spam on IPB?

0. There is a forum on IPB 3 version
1. ~50 bots are registered daily, but the built-in spam filter most of them throws them into validation and the moderator deletes them in batches every day
2. Despite (1) some bots (or paid people) post 5-7 new topics with advertising.
Stop spam activity.
I see two ways:
- properly setting up a spam filter (tell me how, I rummaged through Google, but mostly the advice concerns the second version)
- preventing users from creating topics until they post 5-10 comments to existing ones. (Again, I did not find this in the admin panel, although, in theory, the function is very in demand)
Actually, your personal experience and considerations on this matter are of interest. Thank you.
PS And recaptcha is no longer a cake and bots bypass it? (

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In order to leave comments, you need to log in

11 answer(s)
NeOn4eG, 2011-03-18

We disabled registration, and made our registration through api. In their registration, they made a text captcha on a regional theme. There are no spammers.

PlatinumArcade, 2011-03-19

Make your own registration page, save users to another database. And on the forum, enable "External authorization" from a remote database. I don't see any robots.

shurshur, 2011-03-18

Try a question with a text answer.
There is another very well-functioning hack - to add a fictitious GMT-13 timezone and beat those who choose it. For some reason, bots often choose the first time zone in the list, while humans have selected by default.

Vitali Borovik, 2011-03-19

Change the captcha, as for me it is simple and most effective.
Regarding comments, you can write manually, this is solved by 5 lines in the code. Request for the number of comments in the database, checking if the warning/message is less.

Puma Thailand, 2011-03-19

akismet helps a little.

Fant, 2011-03-19

Not exactly for ipb, but I think this applies to other engines as well. In our footter.com project, the main registration takes place in django, and then the person gets into phpbb2. There is no spam or anything like it. After all, a spambot enters the forum through search engines, then tries to register using the standard procedure. In case of excellent registration, you need to write a bot for your specific forum, and this is not profitable. Well, they use the data of spam messages in black SEO optimization to raise them to the PS.

DileSoft, 2011-03-19

I came up with a witty solution, suddenly it will help - put TWO captchas on the forum. :)

AusTiN, 2011-03-19

I encountered this problem, I solved it very simply - I inserted several lines of code into the forum code that prohibited sending messages containing URLs by users with less than N posts :) It helped ...

DimonCJ, 2011-03-20

After the New Year there was a large influx of spammers, everything was decided simply.
The forum version is true 2.3.6, but so far it works fine, no one passed.

mix2000, 2011-03-26

There is such a stopForumSpam module - when registering, it checks email and ip through this service , and if they are highlighted there, it prohibits registration.
It helps well (at least for the moment), only I had to turn off the ip check, otherwise the very next day a real user appeared who could not register.

coolurik, 2011-03-26

Own text captcha and StopForumSpam, recaptcha as an addition.

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