jera2018-10-04 10:54:43
Sound processing
jera, 2018-10-04 10:54:43

How to cut off the first few seconds of several tracks at once?

There are about 100 mp3-nis in the language learning course, and everyone has a 6-second musical insert at the beginning. I want to remove it, otherwise the brain will boil from it after 3 days of study.
I don't want to edit each file manually either. I assume that there is simply a solution in three buttons.

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2 answer(s)
jera, 2018-10-05

for %n in (*.mp3) do ffmpeg -ss 6 -i %n -c:a copy "out/%~nxn" команда для нескольких файлов.
вот тут товарищ в коментах подсказал https://youtu.be/jqMDX0SjknE

Moskus, 2018-10-04

Use ffmpegwith a parameter -ssto specify a start time.

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