Pavoroni2015-01-09 21:05:51
Pavoroni, 2015-01-09 21:05:51

What to choose a microcontroller or the same type of computer?

I am interested in the following question, I have been googling information for a long time about which microcontroller or single-board computer to choose for the next purpose.
The essence of the task: it is necessary to process information coming from USB in mp3 format, for example, an audio track, mute the sound of the voice for a certain level or remove it completely, then output the filtered track via AUX, record the voice from the microphone (can you recommend a good one?) built into the board , and overlay it on the cleaned track.

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3 answer(s)
Armenian Radio, 2015-01-09

Here you need a good DSP and a good mathematician-programmer in the first place.
The choice of iron can be made in the second turn - when there are already at least some rudiments of the algorithm.

Sergey Lerg, 2015-01-10

Too complex a task for a simple microcontroller. Use Raspberry Pi, Odroid or any other similar computer and program under Linux using all the power of existing audio libraries.

Lolshto, 2015-01-10

Beagle board - it is with DSP.
You can see about the algorithm here, for example x-minus.org/31-kak-izvlech-golos-vokal-i-sdelat-ak...
In general, search by words https://www.google.com/search?q=manufacturing + minus...

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