RSV2014-05-26 08:21:07
RSV, 2014-05-26 08:21:07

How to cut large mp3 files into small ones?

There are a bunch of folders with mp3 files, each about 60 minutes long (give or take a minute and a half).
It is necessary to take each file and cut it into fragments of 3 minutes.
Recommend software that can take an mp3 file and cut it into smaller files of a given duration. It is necessary that not every file be done by hand, but all en masse and automatically from the command line. Ready to write a simple script that would feed the cutting software files one at a time.

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1 answer(s)
Konstantin Kozhin, 2014-05-26

ffmpeg to help you.
ffmpeg -ss 0 -t 180 -acodec copy -i in.mp3 out.mp3where t is the duration of the piece, ss is the position from which to start cutting.

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