Tima2015-11-11 20:00:43
Tima, 2015-11-11 20:00:43

How to create your own browser player using html, css, js?

Good day to all. I wanted to know at least how and what to start from in order to write my own cross-browser player? Literature, forums, personal experience, whatever. Glad for any information. Thanks in advance :)

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1 answer(s)
Daniel Skripnik, 2015-11-11

You have html5 audio/video tags.
These tags are processed by JS commands.
You create arbitrary controls for the player (audio/video) and process those controls with available commands.
For example, you create a video with a <video>src</video> tag
AND a pink button. The video should play when you click on the pink button.

var video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0],
      pinkPlay = document.getElemensByTagName("button")[0];

pinkPlay.addEventListener("click", function() {
}, false);

In a similar way, you can set up a custom player with other necessary parameters.

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