Konstantin P2020-08-02 17:20:33
Konstantin P, 2020-08-02 17:20:33

How to create a new column when exporting a table using Laravel, maatwebsite/excel?

Hello! Can you please tell me how to create a new column in the exported (in excel) table? There is a table in the database of the following form:
I installed a package for exporting maatwebsite/excel using composer. There is also a model file:

class ScheduledInspectionModel extends Model
    protected $table = 'scheduled_inspection'; // название таблицы
    protected $fillable = ['name_smp', 'name_control', "verification_start", "verification_end", 'verification_duration'];
    public $timestamps = false;

class OrganizationsExportController extends Controller
    public function export()
        return (new OrganizationsExport)->download('organizations_export.xls');

And the export description file:
class OrganizationsExport implements FromCollection, ShouldAutoSize, WithHeadings, WithEvents
    use Exportable;
     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
    public function collection()
        return ScheduledInspectionModel::all();

    public function headings(): array
        return [
            'Проверяемый СМП',
            'Контролирующий орган',
            'Начало проверки',
            'Окончание проверки',
            'Плановая длительность'

    public function registerEvents(): array
        return [
            AfterSheet::class => function (AfterSheet $event) {
                    'font' => [
                        'bold' => true

The exported table looks like this:
Export works :) But I want to make sure that instead of the id column (I can exclude it using map() and in the Model ), there is a 'Number' column and enter line numbering accordingly. Please tell me how to do it?

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1 answer(s)
Konstantin P, 2020-08-02

added/updated to the OrganizationsExportfollowing:

private $count = 0;

    public function map($organizations): array
        return [
            $organizations->verification_start . ' - ' . $organizations->verification_end,


    public function headings(): array
        return [
            'Проверяемый СМП',
            'Контролирующий орган',
            'Период плановой проверки',
            'Плановая длительность',

Here is how in DB:
Here is how in excel file:

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