cron2018-03-21 14:14:52
cron, 2018-03-21 14:14:52

How to create a nested relation in laravel that selects an entity by two fields?

I have the following entities on my site:
Page - Page, for example "contacts"
id, name
Block is connected to the page, through the relation belongsToMany('App\Block')
Block - Block, for example "seo"
id, name
Fields are connected to the block, via hasMany('\App\Field');
Field - Field, for example "keywords" and "description",
id, block_id, name
One block can be connected to different pages and different data must be loaded into it.
To do this, I want to make another Data entity, which will store the data of the block fields:
field_id, page_id, value
I'm trying to select a page with something like the following query:
$ data = Page::
But at the same time, I do not understand how to create a relation for loading data.
To select them, you need to set two conditions: field id and page id
Tell me, what relation can be applied to create such a selection?
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Maxim Melnik, 2018-03-29

Page::with(['data', 'data.field']->find(42);
where data

function data() {
  return $this->hasMany('App\Data');

and data.field and data.block are in Data model
function field() {
  return $this->hasOne('App\Field');

You can also add block_id to the data table for convenience and pull it out as with the field function
In my opinion, correct me if I'm wrong.

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