MarvinD2018-06-25 11:43:05
MarvinD, 2018-06-25 11:43:05

How to count Mikrotik traffic by user (local ip) with details by domain, not destination ip?

I'm going to count/monitor the traffic volume by users (date, domain, traffic volume). Everything seems to be obvious, there is netflow. But as far as I understand, you can take data like src-ip, dst-ip, time, bytes from Mikrotik, but you can’t get the requested domain in this way, and the same Netflow Analyzer will be powerless to correctly resolve the site’s IP into the domain, because sites on 1 IP are often 20-30 pieces or more, and this is a normal situation. Those. The maximum that I can get from Mikrotik is from which IP to which IP what amount of traffic passed? But not on which domain specifically?

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1 answer(s)
poisons, 2018-06-25

With mikrotik, data in the form of petrov-youtube-09.00 will not work. So forcibly wrap everyone on a proxy (there are articles on Habré how to wrap https without slipping your certificates to all clients).

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