Ilya Reznik2015-09-12 13:18:55
Adaptive design
Ilya Reznik, 2015-09-12 13:18:55

How to correctly set the task for adaptive design and layout?

To write the TOR, I faced the task of how to correctly specify the requirements for adaptive design and layout for developers. If the design is even more clear, then the layout may have its own nuances.
Perhaps someone has universal templates for TK, I will be grateful.

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2 answer(s)
Think With Your Head, 2015-09-12

The design should be ready in 3-5 versions for different devices (large screen, medium screen, tablet, smartphone, etc.) so that the layout designer does not have to think about how your site should look at different resolutions.

Elizaveta Borisova, 2015-09-12

List for which screens the design is rendered, what to do with other screens (intermediate or not rendered).

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