Denis Sechin2017-10-30 16:54:58
Denis Sechin, 2017-10-30 16:54:58

How to correctly set min.RSSI in uniquiti?

There are 10 unifi ap points with one ssid without a password in a large pavilion, a controller is configured, seamless roaming does not work, when walking around the pavilion, the phone does not switch to a point with a better signal, but keeps to the last on a bad signal of a distant point. And if it switches, then up to 7 packets are lost when pinging. In this connection, I decided to set up min.RSSI so that clients can quickly jump to other
points. Who has come across, what values ​​​​should be set? should they be the same at all points? In general, how much is it correct to use such a crutch?

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1 answer(s)
Andrew, 2017-10-30

We use it quite successfully.
If you don't want to mess around, then set it to about -68 dBm (+/-2).
Although it is more logical to take a smartphone, put a wifi scanner on it, and walk around the pavilion checking which signal is at the borders of the junction zones of the points. And, using paper records, calculate which limit to set at which point.
Although you still won't get 100% seamless roaming, it works better with min.RSSI than without it if coverage areas overlap.

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