Vladislav2014-09-05 17:06:30
Vladislav, 2014-09-05 17:06:30

How to correctly raise a 404 error in the router if it is a controller?

The router accepts a URL like class/action/param/123/param/1234 etc.
Those. I have to check the parity of the entered URL (when divided into an array), if it is odd, then issue a 404 controller
. Then check if there is a required class, if there is none, issue a 404 controller.
Then check if there is a required class method, if there is none, call the controller 404.
What construction should be used under these conditions?

try {
//тут проводим проверку на четность URL
//если не проходит, то 
throw new Exception('не все параметры введены');

//далее подключаем нужный класс, если он есть
if(file_exist(путь к файлу)){
$startController = new $nameController();
}else throw new Exception('такого класса нет');

//проверяем наличие метода в классе
if(metod_exist($startController,  $nameAction)){
$startController -> $nameAction($params);
}else throw new Exception('такого метода нет');

//если поймали исключение, то
} catch (Exception $e) {
$startController =  new error404();
$startController -> index();

Norm to do so?
I want to hear opinions...

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-09-05

Opinions... you already have trouble with routing, so you can score and continue to do as you please.
if you take the piece you gave:
replace with
and paths resolve in autoload
Calls to the action imply that you always have an array as arguments. An array of parameters. IMHO this sucks. Agree, so cool:

function ($id, $page = 1) {
// ...

call_user_func_array([$controller, $actionName], $params);

or even call through reflections, then you can also change the order of the arguments and resolve by name.
otherwise normal. Only I would call the controller as ErrorHandlingController or something like that and redirect to it any request that fell with an exception.

Alexander Kubintsev, 2014-09-05

The exception approach seems to me to be quite sensible. The only caveat is to make a separate type of exception, such as PageNotFoundException. It is not correct to use \Exception, because you never know where else \Exception can be thrown in the code

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