Eugene_Sh2016-06-21 03:46:25
Search Engine Optimization
Eugene_Sh, 2016-06-21 03:46:25

How to correctly describe the ban on page indexing?

Good afternoon.
There is such a route:
How to close the first route from indexing?
After looking at Yandex help , I was able to generate (not sure if it's correct):
Disallow: /catalog/*/*/*$
Thanks for the help.

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2 answer(s)
pcdesign, 2016-06-21

So under this rule:
Disallow: /catalog/*/*/*$
A normal page, such as /catalog/razdel/subrazdel/product, can also get in.
It makes sense to add some prefix to the url with a calendar, such as
/calendar/catalog/{ year}/{month}/{day}
Or add to the end. See which is easier.
And quietly block:
Disallow: /calendar/

Vladislav Ivashchenko, 2016-06-21

You can try listing years as one of the options:
Disallow: /catalog/2016/
Disallow: /catalog/2015/
Disallow: /catalog/2014/

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