korvin22022-03-12 15:11:49
korvin2, 2022-03-12 15:11:49

How to convert very large json to java object?

I get json from the backend and translate it into an object using Gson. Like this:

public void saveData(JsonObject data) {
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateDeserializer()).create();
    Structure structure = gson.fromJson(data.get("structure").toString(), Structure.class);
    //работаю дальше со structure 

But sometimes the api returns a very large json (about 50MB) which causes an out of memory exception.
What structure looks like:
@Parcel(value = Parcel.Serialization.BEAN, analyze = {Structure.class})
public class Structure extends RealmObject {

public int id;

public String date;

public RealmList<StructureNote> notes;

//другие поля

The main problem with the " notes " field is that it contains about 80% of the entire json file that I get from the api.
How can such a large json be converted into a Java object? I've been thinking about splitting the notes into several parts and then just filling in the list one by one, but I don't know if that's even possible or how.

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2 answer(s)
korvin2, 2022-03-17

This article helped https://proandroiddev.com/retrofitting-and-rxjavin...

Sergey Gornostaev, 2022-03-12

Gson, like Jackson, has a Streaming API specifically for such cases. True, you have to forget about converting JSON to an object and work with individual fields.

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