nnuemad2019-04-07 16:18:54
nnuemad, 2019-04-07 16:18:54

How to convert from Mikrotik sxt 2 or RB951Ui-2HnD router to an adapter?

You can somehow make an adapter from Mikrotik sxt 2 so that similar programs like inSSider see it, yes, I saw in RoutOS there is a sniffer and other interesting things, but like this (
And you can somehow screw NFS or how it is correctly called a network drive, to load linux from it so that it sees the antenna as an adapter?
And in the extreme case, can RB951Ui-2HnD be made as an adapter? And if you can make an adapter from RB951Ui-2HnD, you can screw mikrotik sxt 2 to it as the main antenna, maybe again through some smart ass port forwarding or something.. I'm just not very good at this :) thanks in advance.
In general, there are only 16 megabytes of memory on board, you can install openWRT the same as on sxt2 light and play around there :)

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2019-04-07

1) Not
at all 2) I don’t understand what you mean at all

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