shevelevdesign2020-12-19 23:57:41
Yandex maps
shevelevdesign, 2020-12-19 23:57:41

How to convert coordinates to Yandex map?

There is a base (table) with two columns of coordinates: latitude and longitude.
How can I upload them to the site in bulk and convert them into Yandex maps with a marker?

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2 answer(s)
Artem Zolin, 2020-12-20

Here is an example of the object_manager you need https://yandex.ru/dev/maps/jsbox/2.1/object_manager

freeExec, 2020-12-20

You make an API on your server so that it gives out your coordinates in geojson. And then show them on the map.
Or collective farms your format. In general, the map does not care where the data comes from, it only needs latitude and longitude for the marker.

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