ur3ckr2012-07-30 13:32:48
ur3ckr, 2012-07-30 13:32:48

How to connect video surveillance server and media player? - It's decided!?

We have:
1. Console server based on debian squeeze with a video capture card and an analog camera. Installed and configured motion, which shows video (format - MJPG.) from the camera to the network at: : 5555 and writes video to the ball when moving.
2. Media player - ASUS HDP-R1 with moservices firmware - but, unfortunately, the player does not understand the MJPG format.
Question: is it possible somehow (in which direction to look) to distill the MJPG stream from the address , for example, to the address , but in a format that the media player understands?
Thank you for attention!

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6 answer(s)
ur3ckr, 2012-08-26

While on vacation, I found a solution that suits me so far. We flash the media player with hd2 firmware - only it has the Opera browser. And you can directly watch from the address of the broadcast stream or put it on the Cambozola server - and so, and so it shows the picture from the video camera.
Thank you all!

MrCleaner, 2012-07-30

1. Does the media player have a browser? you can look through it ( Cambozola )
2. It is necessary to recode.
2.1. Zoneminder You register
the filter. It will recode to any format by filter and send it to the right place on command
22. ffmpeg

cat_crash, 2012-07-30

Purely theory, because In practice there is no equipment described by you.
1. Raise VLC on a server
2. Set up video reception by a VLC server with motion
3. Throw video in the format you need on the network using that de VLC
Here I quickly found how to set up VLC www.vkartinke.ru/stati/foscam/ip-kamera- foscam-i-vlc-proigryvatel for MJPG format.

@greynix, 2012-07-30

Check if it is possible to receive a stream via rtsp, for vlc it is possible to build a grid on the monitor and display an image from each camera in a certain square, it is probably supported and http did not check.

ur3ckr, 2012-07-30

Thanks for answers. So, in order:
- I thought for vlc - but it pulls a bunch of dependencies (a system without Xs) - so far it disappears;
- I set Zoneminder for the sake of interest, but compared to motion - it heavily loaded the system - it disappears;
- with ffmpeg - an option, I read at my leisure;
- Cambozola - literally since the morning I tried, it remains to make sure that the media player has a browser, although I doubt it. I can only check it tomorrow when I'm at home.

ur3ckr, 2012-07-30

Tried console vlc but something doesn't want to work. I run it like this:
$cvlc -vvv --sout transcode{vcodec=mp4v,acodec=mpga,vb=800,ab=128}:standard{access=http,mux=ogg,dst=//}'
Errors are thrown:

avcodec encoder debug: found encoder MPEG-4 Video [0x8a4451c] main encoder debug: using encoder module "avcodec" [0x8a4451c] main encoder debug: TIMER module_need() : 61.044 ms - Total 61.044 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 61.044 ms) [0x8a31fbc] main mux debug: adding a new input [0x8a31fbc] mux_ogg mux debug: adding input [0x8a31fbc] mux_ogg mux debug: mp4v stream [0x8a3512c] mjpeg demux debug: discard MIME header: Content-Length: 16525 [0x8a3512c] mjpeg demux debug: discard MIME header: Content-Length: 16543 [0x8a31fbc] mux_ogg mux debug: writing header [0x8a31fbc] mux_ogg mux debug: creating header for mp4v [0x8a31fbc] mux_ogg mux debug: writing extra data [0x8a3512c] mjpeg demux debug: discard MIME header: Content-Length: 16579 [0x8a3512c] mjpeg demux debug: discard MIME header: Content-Length: 16520 [0x8a3512c] mjpeg demux debug: discard MIME header: Content-Length: 16525 [0x8a3512c] mjpeg demux debug: discard MIME header: Content-Length: 16577

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