rad_li2014-03-12 16:08:00
rad_li, 2014-03-12 16:08:00

How to connect an electric motor?

I dug out such an electric motor in the garage. Presumably from a reel to reel tape recorder. Can you tell me how to properly connect the power to it? There are 2 red and 2 brown wires. The photo shows the circuit, but it uses only two wires.a8acc5d86f65410ab4bb104f384a1939.jpg

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2 answer(s)
Ivan Somov, 2014-03-12

the screen did not open, but if it is at 220V, then something like this zametkielectrika.ru/podklyuchenie-odnofaznogo-kond...

tooeec, 2016-05-21

I won’t tell you how to connect, but I know where you can buy such electric motors, here - www.eec.kz will suddenly come in handy if nothing comes of it.

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