AcidBat2016-05-03 13:22:43
AcidBat, 2016-05-03 13:22:43

How to configure UrlRewrite in Web.config for Windows Server 2012 R2?

There is a server. It runs on Windows Server 2012 R2 (license).
There is a site that was made on another computer and subsequently transferred to the server.
After the transfer, accessing the site through the domain invariably results in a 500 error (internal server error).
After analysis, a very strange reason was found - the server dies from the rewrite tag inside the system.webServer tag in the Web.config file. Moreover, the version of the framework is 4.6.1
. If you remove this tag from there, everything works perfectly.
But CNC is very important for the site, so there is no way to refuse routing.
What to do?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Kovalsky, 2016-05-03

Is the UrlRewrite component installed for IIS? If in debug mode you cannot reach at least ApplicationStart - as a rule, the error occurs when the web server cannot understand what kind of garbage is written in web.config. Personally, I installed through the Web Platform Installer.

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