Kirill Zhilyaev2017-01-31 20:14:05
Kirill Zhilyaev, 2017-01-31 20:14:05

How to configure PHP to work with curl?

With grief in half installed PHP. Google suggests:
apt-get install libcurl
Either curl or php-curl. But it ends up like this:
Unable to locate package ***
How do I enable curl in PHP?
PS phpinfo

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2017-01-31

Good evening.
In the "application center", on the "other by" tab, what are the settings?
"Unable to locate package" says that there are no sources to get packages.
ps If version 16 is ubuntu, then you can configure the sources through "system settings" - "programs and updates" - "other software". What sources do you cite?

Anton, 2017-01-31

apt-get install php7.0-curl

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