Fagotsit2015-04-21 13:30:16
visual studio
Fagotsit, 2015-04-21 13:30:16

How to completely remove traces of Visual Studio Pro 2013 installation to install community?

The story is this: VS 13 community was installed, after demolishing it, I wanted to look at visual studio 2015 ctp 6. Installed, there were several errors during installation, not critical. The Internet says that I was not the only one who had such a problem, its solutions were described. Played with it, deleted it. I decided to return the VS 13 community again, during the installation an error immediately got out, you must first remove VS 13 pro, but as it is, it was not installed at all. I installed the VS 13 pro browser, the installation went fine without any errors. I demolished it, as requested by the VS 13 community installer, the error did not disappear, again it asks to remove VS 13 pro first. All accompanying components were also removed in all cases. I tried to clean the registry both with software and manually, deleted the keys that the software found and I myself searched for visual studio professional 2013. Googling didn't answer the question. Can anyone come across? Please help.

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4 answer(s)
Nikita Fedotov, 2016-02-09

Solved a similar problem when migrating from 2012 using restore points, then registry snapshots.
Now there are no pictures and the problem is this:
She looks into the registry and sees the dependencies, so it is not installed. While looking for a solution.

ProgrammerMicrosoft, 2016-05-01

There is one radical solution:
Enter the registry using the low-level method
1 Type in the console (Windows) regedit
2 Then enter the keyword to search in the edit menu and search for "Visual Studio"
3 If you have about 20 - 40 minutes, you can safely delete the elements named visual studio

Yuri Alexandrovich Morozov, 2015-05-01

Backups rule!
Any installation of VS creates system restore points. Try to roll back the system before the first installation of the BC13community.

unnamsa, 2017-10-19

Wrote a script, run in the form vsdel.cmd > regdel.cmd then after the formation of regdel.cmd in it the registry entries in which there is a mention of the visual studio, to be deleted. picks up some lines incorrectly, non-critically - after launch, you can manually start regedit and delete the remaining sections, there are less than 5 left. but even so it helped me to indicate a new path to a clean installation of the studio, before that it only gave me the previous place.
@echo off
goto start
for /f "skip=4 tokens=1,2,3 delims=" %%i in ('reg query %1 /v /s /f "Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio" /d') do (call :fn1 "%%i" "%%j" "%%k")
exit /b
if "%~2"
set str=%str:~0.3%
if "%str%"=="REG" goto okreg
exit /b
:echo %PTH% - "%~1" "%~2" "%~3"
echo reg delete %PTH% /v "%~1" /f
exit /b
set PTH="%~1"
exit /b
call :fnr "HKLM"
call :fnr "HKCR"
call :fnr "HKCU "
call :fnr "HKU"
call :fnr "HKCC"

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