Pogran2016-07-28 11:47:38
Search Engine Optimization
Pogran, 2016-07-28 11:47:38

How to completely block a link from a search engine?

It is necessary to completely close the link from indexing. so that it does not get into the search results, i.e. the robot completely ignored it. Now I do it like this

<a class="rec-name" href="/company/extremesport/?category=sport" title="ExtremeSport" rel="noopener,nofollow" target="_blank">ExtremeSport</a>

but there is a suspicion that the search engine will read this link

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2 answer(s)
Maxim Artemiev, 2016-07-29

1. Do it with jQuery.
2. Do it through a redirect - link through link.php?url=/category/test/
In general, there is a SEOHide script for closing.
Ps You can do cloaking in general, I have a collected list of current User-agents of search engines (google/yandex/rambler, etc.), write to me.

Anton, 2016-07-28

It looks like the error rel="noopener,nofollow"should be rel="noopener nofollow"without a comma

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