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How to collect styles in 2 files in Gulp?
Now I collect less files through gallp through import into one and transfer it to the finished project.
I want styles with media queries to be transferred to another file and in the finished project there are styles.css and media.css files.
I tried to do this , but then the variables do not work. Help me please)gulp.src('./src/css/styles.less')
const gulp = require('gulp');
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const del = require('del');
const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
const concat = require('gulp-concat');
const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const gulpif = require('gulp-if');
const gcmq = require('gulp-group-css-media-queries');
const less = require('gulp-less');
const smartgrid = require('smart-grid');
const isDev = (process.argv.indexOf('--dev') !== -1);
const isProd = !isDev;
const isSync = (process.argv.indexOf('--sync') !== -1);
function clear(){
return del('build/*');
function styles(){
return gulp.src('./src/css/styles.less')
.pipe(gulpif(isDev, sourcemaps.init()))
browsers: ['> 0.1%'],
cascade: false
//.on('error', console.error.bind(console))
.pipe(gulpif(isProd, cleanCSS({
level: 2
.pipe(gulpif(isDev, sourcemaps.write()))
function html(){
return gulp.src('./*.php')
function watch(){
proxy: "shtory"
}'./src/css/**/*.less', styles);'./*.php', html);
function grid(done){
let settings = {
columns: 12,
offset: "30px",
//mobileFirst: true,
container: {
maxWidth: "1140px",
fields: "15px"
breakPoints: {
lg: {
md: {
width: "991.98px"
sm: {
width: "767.98px"
xs: {
width: "575.98px"
xxs: {
width: "420px"
smartgrid('./src/css', settings);
let build = gulp.series(clear,
gulp.parallel(styles, html)
gulp.task('build', build);
gulp.task('watch', gulp.series(build, watch));
gulp.task('grid', grid);
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