zasqer2015-06-28 15:38:58
zasqer, 2015-06-28 15:38:58

How to choose an automatic documentation generator?

I want to try using the Sphinx type documentation generator ( sphinx-doc.org ) on a big new project. The project will be on Flask + Angular, with an open API. I would like to have documentation not only for the API, but also for the javascript part of the project. Share your experience - who used what to generate docks?

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4 answer(s)
ProstoAndrei, 2015-07-02

I would also recommend ngdocs on my own. Especially considering that you have angular. In my opinion, it supports almost everything that is in jsdoc. I set up documentation generation via gulp.

xfg, 2015-06-29

Used this usejsdoc.org

Vov Vov, 2015-06-29

Good afternoon, when choosing such technologies, one should be guided by the fact that if something fails, can you fix it yourself or ask for help from the community. Whoever scolds the Sphinx for its jambs with Cyrillic, etc., it seems to me that the Sphinx has the largest community, especially since it is most famous in our environment. + you need to understand that in N-years something can die, but I think that the Sphinx will last another 3-5 years.

Nikolai Karelin, 2015-07-02

I advise you to look towards the concept of domains in Sphinx. In particular, there is this post: https://blog.safaribooksonline.com/2013/04/23/docu...

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