Boris Ermakov2021-11-17 13:38:37
Boris Ermakov, 2021-11-17 13:38:37

How to check where user wrote?

I need to make one bot for chat and commands.

The chat bot must accept commands. In private messages must respond to prompts on the keyboard.

those. let's say the bot should not respond to the / start command in the chat, but only in PM with the bot

async def process_start_command(message: types.Message):
    await message.answer("Добро пожаловать в бота сети «ПарОк» по городу Волгоград")

but he must accept the /ban command in the chat
@dp.message_handler(is_admin=True, commands=["ban"], commands_prefix="!/")
async def cmd_ban(message: types.Message):
    if not message.reply_to_message:
        await message.reply("Эта команда должна быть ответом на сообщение!")

    await message.bot.delete_message(chat_id=config.GROUP_ID, message_id=message.message_id)
    await message.bot.kick_chat_member(chat_id=config.GROUP_ID, user_id=message.reply_to_message.from_user.id)

    await message.reply_to_message.reply("Пользавтель заблокирован")

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1 answer(s)
Vindicar, 2021-11-17

The official FAQ has the same .

How can I distinguish a User and a GroupChat in message.chat?
Telegram Bot API support new type Chat for message.chat.
Check the type attribute in Chat object:

if message.chat.type == "private":
  # private chat message

if message.chat.type == "group":
  # group chat message

if message.chat.type == "supergroup":
  # supergroup chat message

if message.chat.type == "channel":
  # channel message

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