sundrey2017-05-10 17:36:22
Computer networks
sundrey, 2017-05-10 17:36:22

How to change the destination IP?

Good afternoon!
There is an old program for which the source codes are lost.
It breaks at the old IP address of the server (There is no access to it anymore :( )
How can I change the destination IP address?
That is, the program should also break at, and packets should be forwarded to Packets
go through TCP
Proxy, but the program does not respond to the values ​​in the system and WINHTTP
Proxyfer also did not work
It was also not possible to do this with the help of a router.The only idea left is to use OpenWRT and try to find an opportunity to implement it there

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1 answer(s)
TyzhSysAdmin, 2017-05-10

Create a VLAN on the router, assign it the address, and then from the dstnat router port wherever you like.
It is possible to throw virtualIP on the server to the network card and then register the route on the workstation to this server
. You can open the program in the debugger, find the address and correct it.

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