lolipop4442020-08-12 19:29:49
lolipop444, 2020-08-12 19:29:49

How to change text in wpocean wordpress comment field?

Hello, how can I change or add the translation of this entry in the comment field in the WPOcean theme on Wordpress? Thanks5f3418eddafe0301773492.png

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-08-12

I will assume that in this topic placeholder is added by some function that supports l10n i12n.
Accordingly, the string itself should be looked for in the theme translation file. In the languages ​​directory inside the theme, there is a folder that contains the files.
Open this file (presumably in pot or po format). Download the PoEdit program, open this file, find this line and edit it. Then save. You will see that another mo file has appeared. Save these files in the same folder.
Another option for editing translation files is the Loco Translate plugin

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