Alex2017-03-29 10:49:59
Alex, 2017-03-29 10:49:59

How to change nginx image?

There are two pictures on the site.


It is necessary that, when requested, it should be /images/image.jpgreturned /images/image.webpon the condition that in request headerAccept:image/webpi.e. browser supports webp format.
As a result, if I open /images/image.jpgit in such a browser, I will see in the response headers Content-Type:image/webp, and Content-Lengthit will correspond to/images/image.webp

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Burov, 2017-03-29

something like this:

if ($http_accept ~* "image/webp") { 
      rewrite ^/(.*)\.jpg$ /$1.webp;

Andrey Shatokhin, 2017-03-29

Convenient conversion and substitution for the desired format is in the pagespeed module from Google.

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