Uncle Bogdan2021-09-28 16:34:00
Uncle Bogdan, 2021-09-28 16:34:00

How to call an event when everyone has already subscribed?

There is a CharacterStats class with Character statistics:

public class CharacterStats
    public float MaxHealth;
    public float Health;
    public int Coins;

There is a CharacterStatsInteractor class that handles actions with the repository:

public class CharacterStatsInteractor
    private CharacterStats _characterStats;

    public int Coins => _characterStats.Coins;

    public delegate void OnCoinsValue();
    public event OnCoinsValue OnCoinsValueChanged;

    public CharacterStatsInteractor(CharacterStats repository)
        _characterStats = repository;


    public void AddCoins(int value)
        _characterStats.Coins += value;


    public void SpentCoins(int value)
        _characterStats.Coins -= value;


    public void TakeDamage(int value)
        _characterStats.Health -= 0;

Then I signed up for the event:

private void OnEnable()
        _player.StatsInteractor.OnCoinsValueChanged += RenderText;

    private void OnDisable()
        _player.StatsInteractor.OnCoinsValueChanged -= RenderText;

Then I created a character and wrote this:

public CharacterStats CharacterStats;
    public CharacterStatsInteractor StatsInteractor;

    private void Awake()
        StatsInteractor = new CharacterStatsInteractor(CharacterStats);

Everything seems to be fine, but the event does not work.
I understand that it does not work due to the fact that the event is called before it is signed.

I hope no one writes that you just need to change Awake to Start, since the character script is disabled from the very beginning.

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2 answer(s)
freeExec, 2021-09-28

Your own logic is flawed.
- call an event in the constructor
- get a reference to the newly created object
- subscribe to the event
- ??? where is the profit?
Just RenderTextcall after subscribing and don't suffer.

zukrac, 2021-10-07

1) Either normally wait for the next operation. Coins after all will be updated again?
2) Either organize this moment yourself, the global event "tha_gama_is_started" and trigger OnCoinsValueChanged
on it 3) Or make the record for the event available before the creation of the object itself (if appropriate)
, for example, through a static variable

public static event OnCoinsValue OnCoinsValueChanged;

4) Or make an event manager object so that it is singleton / static, so that it is created automatically when you try to sign up for an event. And everyone signed himself in his OnEnable
EventManager::addListener("coin_changed", RenderText);

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