Konstantin Malyarov2022-01-27 21:25:59
C++ / C#
Konstantin Malyarov, 2022-01-27 21:25:59

How to calculate int bit by bit in c++?

There is an ESP8266 that needs to be sent bit by bit 0xF0:
1111 0000, first send 1, then 1, then 1, and so on.
How to implement? I wanted to shift the bit to the left, but did not understand how to implement it.

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1 answer(s)
Wataru, 2022-01-27

To take the i-th bit from the right, you need to shift the number i positions to the right and apply a mask with one unit at the end through a bitwise AND:
(x >> i) & 1
You need to loop through the bits from the highest (7, if one byte) to the lowest with number 0 and take construction above.

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