Fid02022-03-09 13:30:12
Fid0, 2022-03-09 13:30:12

How to bypass locks when using ms sql?

We are a small team of programmers with a narrowly focused desktop product.
We have several dozens of clients scattered all over the world (not counting Russia).
Our program accesses our ms sql server deployed on vds in Russia.
Due to recent events, Ukrainian and European providers have begun to restrict access to the .ru zone.
It is possible that traffic is being blocked from our side.
How can we organize unhindered access to our ms sql server from all over the world?
Make some kind of "mirror" outside of Russia, so that it would be connected to our server?
Where to dig, what materials to look at?
Now we are making a temporary server in the .kz zone, but it is not known whether this zone will be blocked.
There are problems with paying for VDS abroad...

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2 answer(s)
Drno, 2022-03-09

Rent a VPS in Europe or
the Americas Install a VPN server there
Connect a VPN server with SQL to it as a client Allow you
to receive SQL requests from the VPN server
Naturally, do not forget to redirect the domain name to a new IP or create another domain name and register 2 of them in the user program

AlexVWill, 2022-03-09

Something like this:
1) We buy any VPS in a civilized country
2) We raise LAMP there
3) We import and export the SQL database
4) We register new IP addresses in the software, or set it as a redirect (depending on how your software works)
5) Profit!!!
At the same time, you don’t need a VPN as such, or rather, you don’t need it for clients, it will be enough for them to access via HTTPS (ftps and so on, see software), and you via SSH
If you still need a VPN, then:
- OpenVPN setup: https ://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/o...
- IPSec VPN setup: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/h...
that's basically it,
you can also create a storage file on a VPN via Samba or an intranet network for convenience
- setting up https://www.8host.com/blog/sozdanie-intraseti-s-po...
All instructions are working, I did it myself many times. But all the same, it is better to hire someone for this purpose, because. there may be nuances associated with your Wishlist or architecture.

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