mr1pacman2020-05-09 19:27:09
URL Handling
mr1pacman, 2020-05-09 19:27:09

How to bulk generate links?

Is there a program to generate links according to the template
{link}{number}{piece of link}{page number}{piece of link}
https://******************* ***/api/book/1234/page/1/img
https://*************************/api/book/1234/page/ 2/img
I came across two programs - URL Generator - all is done manually, and I have about 25 thousand links that need to be processed
Extreme URL Generator - you need an
Excel crack - faster than URL Generator, but that's it...

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1 answer(s)
Viktor Taran, 2020-05-10

uh, why generate them at all?
this should be done by the CNC, why invent a bicycle?
If you need redirects, then in such a quantity you can do it using a mask.
Describe in more detail the task of what and why you are doing.

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