Pavel Pavel2021-04-24 16:51:41
Pavel Pavel, 2021-04-24 16:51:41

How to bulk extract covers from mp3 files stored in different folders in Windows environment?


Given: a set of folders (1, 2, 3...), each contains several mp3 files that have the same cover with a resolution of 3000 by 3000 pixels. That is, in folder #1 - all files with one cover, in folder #2 - all files with a different cover.

Required: go to folder #1, extract the original cover 3000 by 3000 pixels and save in jpeg with the name of the folder. Then repeat with folder #2, with folder #3 and so on.

I know how to do it manually through mp3tag, but how to automate the process, having a huge number of files on board?

I will be glad for your help!

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1 answer(s)
Kirill Kirik, 2021-04-24

Pavel Pavel , similar to what you want, can be done with MusicBee 's player tools . Only, exactly, he doesn’t seem to know how to arrange covers into album folders (maybe he can, you need to understand it deeper, the player has a fairly wide range of options). But he can definitely collect covers from different directories into one folder.
You need the player itself and the Additional Tagging & Reporting Tools plugin for it . After installing the plugin and adding your music to the library, go to Tools --> Additional Tagging Tools --> Library Repots . Here, in the column on the left, mark the desired tag (the "Artwork" cover is also there), then click on Preview , then Export . Save asHTML Document (*.htm) . In the directory that was specified for saving, there will be a .htm file and its folder. In the folder and will be all the exported covers in their original size.

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