onedmgoflthl2016-12-02 17:22:56
onedmgoflthl, 2016-12-02 17:22:56

How to build an Elasticsearch query?

Greetings gentlemen!
There is an ELK-stack of version 5.0
Multiline events are sent from different servers to one index. One of the metrics is the state, "LaneIndic".
How to correctly construct a query in which I will pull out the last value of this state for each server?
With this request, I get the last value of LaneIndic, among all servers.

GET /logstash-test-06/log/_search?
   "_source": ["beat.hostname", "LaneIndic", "@timestamp"],
    "query" : {
        "match_all": {}
    "size": 1,
  "sort": [
      "@timestamp": {
        "order": "desc"

But how to get the same thing, but for each unique beat.hostname value?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Cheremisin, 2016-12-02

Most likely it is necessary to do aggregation.
First aggregate by "beat.hostname" with order = "@timestamp"
Then by LaneIndic, size=1 Like

    "aggs" : {
        "host" : {
            "terms" : {
                "field" : "beat.hostname"
            "aggs" : { "size":1,
                "lane" : { "terms" : { "field" : "LaneIndic" }, "order" : { "@timestamp" : "desc" }}

un1t, 2016-12-02

For example:
instead of

"query" : {
    "match_all": {}

"query" : {
    "match": {"beat.hostname": "имя сервера"}

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