zakharkang2017-08-23 08:36:40
zakharkang, 2017-08-23 08:36:40

How to build an application in this case?

There is a long list of options - link parameters for the JSON request.
When a button is clicked, this JSON is requested, a modal window is called ...
If a modal window can be (should be, as I understand it) a component, then what are the "options" and the button? I don't think components. How exactly does the binding take place?
The question is too stupid, but, having lost a day looking for the right answer (this is even more stupid), I decided to write here. Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Kulakov, 2017-08-23

1. Component - modal window
2. Component containing a button
3. Service with functions to which parameters are passed to get json.

Alexander, 2017-08-23

Options and a button are also parts of other components (in your case, one most likely).
You can bind components through events or storage (vuex).

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