Vlad2018-03-22 22:44:50
Web development
Vlad, 2018-03-22 22:44:50

How to build a scheme / architecture / structure of the site?

Could you please tell me a tool in which you can build the site structure (sections, pages) and describe each of them.
I imagine the structure in the form of a mind map, where you can go to the selected section and enter a description, subsections, functions, notes, etc. there.

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5 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2018-03-23

https://www.draw.io/ - free, has all the tools, export to pdf, googleDocs, etc.

xmoonlight, 2018-03-23

Edraw Mind Map (Free)5ab41c30cfd07698825066.jpeg

Viktor Taran, 2018-03-24

definitely here https://www.mindomo.com/en/

Dmitryi K, 2018-03-29

I recommend this service - mindmeister.com - it has everything you need to solve your problem.

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