alonehornet2019-06-01 17:47:10
reverse engineering
alonehornet, 2019-06-01 17:47:10

How to build a decompiled program?

Hello. I am not strong in programming, so please do not kick much)
I am a fitter in a provider company. There is a program for testing the quality of received multicast packets (IPTV), written for another branch of our company. Accordingly, another multicast group is specified in the program, and each time you start this program, you need to enter your own.
I decompiled the program using JetBrains dotPeek and got the following:
I found the required line in the form1.cs file and edited it in Notepad++. Now the question is how to put everything back together?

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2 answer(s)
forspamonly2, 2019-06-02

it is usually much easier to simply change one constant to another directly in the binary with any hex editor. if it is a little more complicated there and the value is collected from pieces, then by some thread with a .net IL editor.

Alexander, 2019-06-01

You need to at least install Visual Studio (the easiest way), if it is built then VS will build it.

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