Kirill Zhilyaev2016-11-04 11:19:45
Digital certificates
Kirill Zhilyaev, 2016-11-04 11:19:45

How to bind SSL to IPS?

Ordered a certificate from startsll.com
Downloaded it. There are 4 archives in the archive (Apache, IIS, Nginx and Other)
In the fields you need to enter the SSL certificate, SSL Key, and SSL chain. Where exactly do you get this data? All in PEM format.

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2 answer(s)
Alexey, 2016-11-04

If you generated the key yourself, then you have the key, if it is .key, then you need to remove the password from it and make pem - https://www.emaro-ssl.ru/blog/convert-ssl-certific...
If you it was generated by the service - it was either sent or it can be downloaded.
The certificate itself was sent to you by mail, perhaps even with chains.
Lay out a list of files in archives - it will be clearer what was sent there.

Erelecano Oioraen, 2016-11-04

> I ordered a certificate from startsll.com
Given that Firefox, Chrome and Safari are starting to block certificates issued by this sharashka, you are just in time. Make a normal certificate from LE.

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