Finom2013-01-23 19:13:07
Finom, 2013-01-23 19:13:07

How to bind custom data in Highcharts?

I have been working with Highcharts for quite a long time and every time I invent my own bike of data binding to series in order to use them somehow (for example, display them in a tooltip).

series: [{data : [{
  x: 5,
  y: 6,
  customData: 'Какие-то данные'

But, in the end, no object (strings, numbers, etc.) passed under a non-standard key (in this case, customData) is found anywhere in the series object (neither in data nor in options)
chart.series[ 0 ].options.data[ 0 ] →
  x: 5,
  y: 6

The documentation is silent, or I am inattentive.

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1 answer(s)
Roman Pavlov, 2013-01-23

Your custom data (snap to a point) will be in


Example: jsfiddle.net/dALDR/32/
If you need to bind custom data to a series of points, then the data will be here:

Example: jsfiddle.net/dALDR/33/

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